الأحد، 12 أبريل 2015
الثلاثاء، 31 مارس 2015
الجمعة، 6 مارس 2015
In the English language, we use many voiced sounds. That means that the
vocal cords vibrate when you say that letter. You can hear a voiced
B sound in words such as "back" and
The letter P is a voiceless sound because
the vocal cords do not vibrate. Instead, we use a puff of air to produce the
sound. You can hear the P sound in words such as "pack" and "cap."
People who speak Korean often have trouble with the difference between saying the letter 'P'
and the letter 'B'. Interestingly, this
is also a common problem for people who speak Arabic..
! It's
really important to practice the difference between these two letters because
many words in English can be understood based on the pronunciation of a single
letter For example, if my
friend says 'I am eating a pear' but mispronounces the letter 'P' it would
sound like 'I am eating a bear'
The easiest way to make sure you are pronouncing the /p/ correctly
is to put your hand very
close to your mouth to feel for air. When we say the letter 'P' a lot of air comes
out and you should be able to feel that on your hand. When we say /b/ little to no air comes out of
:Try practicing these words
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